French Ivory Cross from France
Genuine Ivory Cigarette Case, French
C1890 French Ivory Slide Mirror, French
French ivory is a fancy name for celluloid. This was a type of plastic that was invented during the late 1860s in order to imitate natural ivory.
French ivory was the trade name for this imitation ivory that was produced by the JB Ash Company in Illinois. French or faux ivory also goes by other trade names such as Genuine French Ivory or Ivoire De Paris (the one is associated with an elephant symbol), Ivorette, Depose Ivor-Tone France, Ivorine, Ivorite, and Pyralin. Celluloid was the trade name for a plastic that is manufactured by the Celluloid Manufacturing Company of Newark, New Jersey. Later, celluloid became a generic term for any plastic that resembled ivory in color and texture, as well as faux tortoise and bone. Where real ivory was carved or sliced, this celluloid is molded into the desired shape. French ivory is much lighter than real ivory, and it is easily recognizable by its uniform pattern of wavy parallel lines. It also will not have any of the cross hatching that is found in natural ivory. French ivory will also yellow with age, and it can also be stained by perfumes and body oils, and it will melt when exposed to heat or flames.
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